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Review Scraper API

Getting started

Before you start using this API, we recommend looking at our popular articles and knowledge base. What you can find there are different tips & tricks and the most common questions about Review Scraper API and all its cool functionalities.

G2 scraping is only allowed for certain plans. For more information on g2 scraping, see this page.

Profiles older than 45 days will automatically get purged from our servers.

Learn how to use callback functionality instead of polling our servers here.

Review sites use a variety of URL formats. See our URL format guideline for more information.

While we can scrape reviews from Facebook, they do not make all their reviews publicly available.

Both Google Play & Apple Store have limitations when it comes to getting reviews. We cannot fetch all the reviews using one geolocation (or none). To fetch all the reviews available for the product/app, you need to submit several URLs, each specifying what geolocation you want the reviews from.

Learn how to scrape Google reviews here.

Any questions?

If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at


You must authorize your request using the spiderman-token header.

You will receive the token after subscribing to the API.

Rate limiting

You can make up to 10 requests per second.

Once you go over your rate limit you will receive a 429 Too Many Requests error.

Do you need more?

If you need to increase the limit and speed up the processing, we can offer better concurrency on custom plans.